Overture Keyword Tool - Why We Have Better Tools Now

The Overture keyword tool was a great tool in it's day. Now that it is no thirster available many people are unsure where to turn. But, it's disappearance is not a bad affair and here is why. The net has changed and the tool didn't and it's use nowadays would be out of date anyway.

Luckily for us, there a better tool that the Overture keyword tool that not only provides us with much better and current data bit it actually goes out there into the digital realm and brings back all kinds of pertinent information for us to use in our SEO efforts. The tool available to us nowadays is much more sophisticated (as is search marketing) and provides many more parameters to be measured in order to better help us find success.

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Back in the day, the Overture tool found keywords for us and it did a great job with we required then but nowadays it would resemble the Google keyword tool which is much less (if at all) effective for acting purposeful keyword research. The tool we have now provides so many more parameters and matrices than the Google tool does, it's rather crazy.

Why would the Overture keyword tool and the Google tool do us no good nowadays? Because affairs have gotten more complex as the search engine algorithms have. And even though Google leads the world in those changes, they have not changed their keyword tool since they first made it public. While it provides 3-4 usable parameters, the author has found that to be fortunate in SEO, one should be researching and comparison at to the last degree 7 parameters and their relationships with one another.

Keyword research with the Overture keyword tool was once easy as pie. But the changes that were made that eventually made that tool obsolete, made search better. So it is a trade off. Keywords research has gotten much more complex but so have the tools available to us. If you have not learned what these are and more importantly HOW TO USE THEM, you may need a hand from mortal who uses the tool daily and does not mind taking the time to teach you.

Overture Keyword Tool - Why We Have Better Tools Now
Overture Keyword Tool - Why We Have Better Tools Now

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