Creative Marketing Ideas For Furniture Stores

Furniture stores have developed a reputation for marketing scheme-a sale for every holiday imaginable, no payments for 90 days, or no interest for 3 years are commonly-used promotional tools to drive gross sales. These sure work, but they're not exactly unique. If you're new to the clause of article of furniture market or you're looking a way to stand out from the crowd, you'll want to choose something that doesn't involve Uncle Sam or Santa Claus. Here are some great options.

  1. Online classifieds

    -Websites like Craigslist and eBay have made the online classified gross sales process very easy. Customers address these places to check out merchandise before entering a store, so list your product here to reach them! Hire a part-time employee to photograph your merchandise and list it on these sites, or you can even farm out the work to business specifically-designed for the task.
  2. In-store training

    -Hosting in-store training classes or seminars is a great way to reach bent on the home-improvement market. Bring in interior decorators to discuss home staging, dor selection, or even remodeling tips using your merchandise. These types of classes add value to your store, and the clients see you as more than just a transaction-based business-you're part of their lifestyle. Promote these events by hanging a vinyl group banner outside your store listing the dates and multiplication for each class.
  3. Trade-in

    -Consider adding a client trade-in program to your store, where the client brings in their old clause of article of furniture and receives a credit towards new merchandise. If the clause of article of furniture's in good shape, you can create a used section in your store for great bargains. If it's not in resalable condition, you can donate the clause of article of furniture or at the very to the last-place degree dispose of it for your client. This is once once again a way to make your store a convenience provider and encourage clients to remain loyal to you. List this service in your store windows using vinyl group decals.
  4. New homes

    -Create a partnership with a local immovabl agent, broker, or homebuilder. Since homes always sell better with clause of article of furniture in them, offer to stage their new homes with your merchandise in exchange for referrals. You can also add a check in each home lease clients know where the clause of article of furniture came from in-case they'd like to purchase it with the house or at to the last-place degree shop your store for a different selection. Some immovabl agents power even want to purchase a piece of clause of article of furniture directly from you as a house-warming gift for their new homeowners!
  5. Try before you buy

    -This bold scheme offers clients a chance to "test-drive" your clause of article of furniture, so to speak. Selected clients are able to try clause of article of furniture in their home for a planned amount of time to determine if they want to purchase it. Although this shouldn't be offered for all of your products as it could become a supply nightmare, it can be an effective way to boost gross sales. After all, if it's up to the client to take the clause of article of furniture home and bring it back, odds are they're going to keep it. Make sure you have a vinyl group decal at your register clearly explaining the rules of the program so there are no issues.

Creative Marketing Ideas For Furniture Stores
Creative Marketing Ideas For Furniture Stores

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