If you need to know the very best search engines that don t accumulate or retail merchant your data, then this video is for you. In this point privateness is essential, the key search engines on the market all accumulate and observe your location, the search queries you make and set cookies in your laptop to allow them to abide by with you round on the web and ship your individualise adverts. That s not even the worst half, the worst half is that they ship you individualise outcomes base in your data or earlier search historical past. The search engine firms will argue and say it s for faster search or higher outcomes which power be extra correlative you, notwithstandin the fact is that they need to ship you individualise adverts and earn a living.THIS VIDEO IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Subscribe right here - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2U4_0MUdFkQ2WF06NKiqQ?sub_confirmation=1 View my channel right here - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2U4_0MUdFkQ2WF06NKiqQSearch engines:6 - gibiruhttp://gibiru.com5 -oscobo https://oscobo.co.uk4 - hulbeehttps://hulbee.com3 - metagerhttps://metager.de/en2 - startpagehttps://www.startpage.com/ 1 - duckgogohttps://duckduckgo.com/ CHECK OUT MY OTHER VIEDOS! Top ten Google search ideas and methodshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRbBeYF7-Bo