Worth Every Penny Book Review

As a business owner of a home-based photography studio, I find that constant education is vital to the continued growth of my business. There are a variety of forms of education for photographers and other business owners: conferences, classes, local meetings, or books being a few. Books are often one of the cheaper forms of education and I find a pot of great insights from books like Worth Every Penny.

Worth Every Penny is a business book written by both Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck founder and chief of The Joy of Marketing. This book is targeted toward small business owners running boutique style businesses. While large businesses are focused on volume, boutique businesses are focused on experience and high-end, quality products. This book helps boutique business owners understand some of the keys necessary to running their boutique business.

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Worth Every Penny gives great advice on how to build a strong brand to market to your ideal client base, which is crucial in a boutique business. It's grandness to convey luxury and a high-end experience to your current and feature client base. The book also discusses strategies for creating a strong merchandising and ad campaign to reflect this idea and what makes your business unique. It is always important to convey what makes your business different and more desirable than your competition.

A huge part of boutique businesses is building relationships. When you aren't working with a high volume business, you have the time to invest in acquiring to know your clients. Worth Every Penny discusses ways to convey your appreciation to your customers and develop strong relationships with them, which can help grow your business.

And of course, with the extra time, value, and care dedicated to the customers of a boutique business, a higher price is often a necessity. Worth Every Penny discusses methods for pricing your products and adding additive value to your clients orders. After all, to be a viable business, you need to make a profit.

I in person found Sarah Petty & Erin Verbeck's book, Worth Every Penny, to be improbably beneficial and perceptive in working on my own business. Determining my strengths and unique products, how to market them and provide my clients with the best care possible are improbably important to me, and this book has helped me narrow down and hone these things. I would extremely recommend this book to any boutique business - not just photography business owners!

Worth Every Penny Book Review
Worth Every Penny Book Review

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