Avoid These Marketing Mistakes!

In this article, let's take a very quick look at nine interconnected marketing mistakes that many business owners make, and how you can avoid them.

The first mistake is

not developing and maintaining a marketing focus

. You need to zero in on your best prospects: that core most likely to become long-term customers. Sure, your market consists of a much large group; but who do you really want to appeal to? What group do you focus your marketing efforts on? Clearly, you should center on the people you're more likely to sell to.

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Mistake #2 is

the lack of a compelling offer

. You need something that stimulates people to take action now. Most business owners have been misled by image-based marketing, which is designed only to keep your name out there. Brand awareness is too vague to work for small businesses. You need to be specific: "Here's my deal now and only now, and here's what you'll get if you order right now." One of the worst mistakes you can make is to not give people a specific call to action, something you want them to do immediately. Why should they respond without a compelling reason to do so?

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Mistake #3 is not having deadlines.

You have to admit urging in your offers. Do so and you'll increase your response rate, especially in direct mail based marketing, though this can be true of Internet and other types of marketing as well. As long as you sick to your fixed deadlines, you'll get higher response and conversion rates.

Mistake #4 is not exploitation testimonials

. In many cases, what other people say about you is much more persuasive to a prospect than what you say about yourself; they expect you to toot your own horn, but they stand up and pay attention when person does it for you. That's why social media is such a huge influence these days. Word of mouth is very valuable, if you can harness it for your benefit.

Mistake #5 is failing to measure the results of your marketing.

Every single dollar should be accountable, so you know what works and what doesn't. Don't just throw a bunch of things out there without some way to track the results. When you know one type of promotion is working like gangbusters and other is going over like a lead balloon, you can cut the last mentioned and center on the former. Have identifiers for each rather result that comes in. Track everything.

Mistake #6 is failing to following-up

-- or at to the last-place degree not following up enough. Most people give au courant their prospects way too soon. In order to carry out, you have to know exactly who your customers are, so you've got to build a posting list containing every type of contact information you can think of. This should consist of people who have either opted in or already raised their hands to show interest in the type of products or services you offer. Once they've done that, carry out with a vengeance, reminding them that they haven't yet done business with you or that you have other interesting offer for them. Keep your name ahead of them.

Mistake #7: Trying to be cute and funny.

Forget the clever ads large corporations do. These are image ads that work only for huge businesses; they generally lack any rather direct response message. They're just meant to get people to remember your name so that when they entertain a specific type of product, they think of you first. You're better served by direct-response marketing that's specific and to the point.

Mistake #8: Using bad copy.

The right words are important, so you have to develop (or buy) good copywriting skills. I've written whole books and hosted entire three-day events in which I've talked about nothing but right to craft gross revenue copy. You must have a basic understanding of copywriting in order to be able to write advertisements that compel people to take the actions you want them to take.

Mistake #9: Too much trust on one advertising medium.

You have to diversify, even as a table or chair has threefold legs. Putting all your eggs in one marketing basket is a bad idea. Multiple streams of income help you survive if one or more dries up. So do different things to generate leads and dealings to your website, or get people to your store; the more of those things you can do, the less dependent you'll get on any one method. Just make a point it's all trackable.

Those are the nine major marketing mistakes I've identified. It all starts with focus -- because when you truly center on something with your mind's eye, that's when exciting things start to happen. When you have a product or service that you know will help your business, and you refuse to be distracted, you'll enjoy great results. Focus is even a metaphysical thing; as the locution goes, as you entertain something, so shall it come into your life. If you center on the right things, you'll have a happier life -- and enjoy the power necessary to do the things you want and deserve.

I encourage you to have a look the to the last-place degree bit nine of these mistakes again before you move on. Most of your competitors are doing a terrible job with all these things; that's just reality. Remember this too: "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." If you'll avoid these mistakes consistently and do the exact opposite, you'll be so far ahead of the pack that you'll be going two-eyed in the land of the blind -- and they'll ne'er know what hit them.

Avoid These Marketing Mistakes!
Avoid These Marketing Mistakes!

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