4 Bad Link Building Techniques

In the past there have been link building proficiencys which have worked insanely well for a time. Generally the only reason which they are no longer working is because mortal abused them once more and once more and on a massive scale through automating tools. Google doesn't like the idea of people play their system so they defend by either nullifying the mortalal effects of that once effective link building proficiency or they'll go one step further and derank or deindex your site.

Let's get a load at 4 bad link building proficiencys to avoid and why they no longer work well.

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Link Exchanges - Many years ago when Google was still in its infancy, link exchanges were effectively used by two or more webmasters to improve their rankings. It was a win win for everyone involved but Google because there was no real value in those golf links. It's laughably easy to notice a link exchange between sites, even the more complex ones involving four-fold sites, so don't waste your time.

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(Spammy) Blog Commenting - Blog commenting is a mixture which can go either way for you conditional how you use it. In the past you could leave blog comments on any blog and that would be a worthy link. In the wake of Penguin, it's especially about quality over quantity, so acquiring a link from a blog which has been spammed to death is a waste of your time as Google mostly ignores golf links from sites with lots and lots of outgoing golf links in question where their link juice value is altogether diminished.

Link Wheels - Link wheels involve Web 2.0 sites which link to one other and eventually to your main site/page which you want to rank. The problem is that generally the step is easy enough to pick up by Google and because there's no real value there, they don't like it. Additionally webmasters tend to over optimize when it comes to link wheels (and so many other forms of SEO/link building).

(Public) Blog Networks - Blog networks worked very well for a time. This is where you were generally paying mortal to create golf links on the sites in their massive and sprawling blog networks back to your site. I made it a point to say PUBLIC blog networks because blog networks can work if they are truly private. I'm not referring to networks which recently got targeted specifically by Penguin and bombed such as Build My Rank. Any blog network which you don't own every site mortalally is not private and that goes double for sites which allow anyone to pay to get their content on/golf links from sites in a blog network.

This brings us just about up up to now with bad link building proficiencys until something new hits the SEO scene and works for awhile until mortal abuses it. Note that much of these proficiencys can still work in one way or other sayonar as you don't abuse them and use them judiciously.

4 Bad Link Building Techniques
4 Bad Link Building Techniques

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